Judges on lookout for Brad Pittbull
• Photo gallery: Pets
You've heard of the Oscars, Emmys and Grammys. Those awards have been around for years. Yawn!
Filmmaker Edgy Lee, http://PacificNetwork.tv and Hawaii Pet magazine publisher Mary Long have teamed up to create the newest award show on the block, the Hawaii Pet Film Festival, on Nov. 14. They're looking for the next Benji, Lassie and Nemo.
You think your pet has what it takes to be a star? Do you have a Brad Pittbull or Samuel L. Jack Russell Terrier at home?
This is your opportunity to dabble in filmmaking, too. Find your inner Quentin Terrier-tino. You don't have to be a professional filmmaker. The film festival is open to everyone, and there are many categories to choose from. So get out your camera and start shooting.
Pet photographs and/or videos (under five minutes) can be submitted in the following categories:
• Drama
• Comedy
• Daffy & Nemo (animation, any level; this category is not limited to 2-D or 3-D animation)
• Public Service Announcement (a 30-second public service message on behalf of animal issues; the spot will air on TV and on http://PacificNetwork.tv)
• Redux (animal portrayal of a film character or scene from a famous film or historical news moment; for example, your dog might be dressed like President Nixon giving his resignation address to the nation)
• Ensemble Video (more than one animal in the video)
• Diane Fosse (video that highlights a human for his/her service to animals)
• Lassie (highlights an animal for his/her service to mankind)
• Photo or Photo Collage (this category honors still photography entries; subject matter is unlimited)
Deadline for submission is Oct. 26. One video can be entered into several categories. Visit http://pacificnetwork.tv/blog/best-friends or www.hawaiipetmagazine.com to complete the submission form and view the rules. There is a $5 entry fee per submission.
The producers will pick the top three in each category, and celebrity judges will vote on them. The judges are radio personality Frank B. Shaner, filmmaker Edgy Lee, Hawaii Pet magazine found- er Mary Long, director of philanthropy at Kapi'olani Medical Center Kim Gennaula, Wahoo's Fish Tacos owner Noel Pietsch, Di Ventus Dog Hotel and Spa owner and dog trainer Kosei Inouye, Hawaii International Film Festival director Chuck Boller, celebrity photographer Russell Tanoue and myself.
The winner in the best picture category will receive a $500 prize. The winners in other categories will be awarded $50 and other prizes.
On Nov. 14, the red carpet will be rolled out from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Neal Blaisdell Center for the Holiday Gift Show and Hawaii Pet Film Festival. View the best and brightest local pet videos, enjoy the video awards ceremony, watch the pet fashion shows and costume contests, visit vendor booths and start your Christmas shopping for your furry and feathered friends.
Local vendors will showcase the best holiday items for your pet and provide information about local pet organizations and animal shelters. This event is free and open to the public and their pets.