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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, January 13, 2008

A well-rounded curriculum is key in preparing for adulthood

By Makana Eyre
Grade 12, Waldorf School

Hawaii news photo - The Honolulu Advertiser

Makana Eyre
Grade 12, Waldorf School

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One of the most important things in our society is education. Education prepares our youth for the world and creates sensitive, intelligent human beings who can go through life as thoughtful and creative individuals.

I believe that the Legislature should focus its efforts in this next session toward creating a better education system for Hawai'i's youth who attend public schools.

There are many attributes of a good education. The main goal for educators should be to immerse their students in a well-rounded educational experience that prepares that student for the real world. It is the lack of a diverse education that leaves Hawai'i's youth unprepared for dealing with life as an adult.

In addition, incorporating music and art into the regular class schedule has many positive effects on the human brain. Not only does it help develop alternative and creative thinking, but it also stimulates parts of the brain that are necessary for a healthy human being.

I believe that it is extremely important for our state government to take the initiative and instigate the intrinsic concept of a well-rounded education within our public school system.