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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, May 13, 2007


Advertiser Staff

These organizations are holding reunions; all are high schools except as noted.

Statewide High Schools class of '65, 5:30-11 p.m. Oct. 12, Pacific Beach hotel's grand ballroom, $45 buffet dinner and entertainment; 737-4466, hisixo@aol.com, www.alivetheclassofsixtyfive.com.

Multi-School '72: 5 p.m.-midnight June 30, Waikiki Marriott hotel for graduates of 'Aiea, Castle, Farrington, Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, Roosevelt and Waipahu high schools; 441-1972, kaimuki1972@aol.com, www.hawaii72.com.

All O'ahu High Schools class of '75, 50th birthday party, Sept. 13-16, Las Vegas. All reunion coordinators for 1975 please contact 383-8281, millie-gomes@hawaii.rr.com.

'Aiea '71: Sept. 22, Las Vegas; 488-2220, kaila1971@gmail.com.

'Aiea '82: June 15 at Ocean Club and Nov. 11 in Las Vegas; aiea1982@hotmail.com.

Castle '82: Oct. 12, Main Street hotel, Las Vegas; castle1982@yahoo.com.

Castle '97: Aug. 24-25, Waikiki; chsknights1997@aol.com.

Farrington '48: May 15-17, 2008; 239-9164, 247-5326.

Farrington '50: Friday, California Hotel, Las Vegas; 455-1153.

Farrington '75: 6-10 p.m. Oct. 3, Social Hall at Main Street hotel, Las Vegas; www.fhs1975.com.

Farrington '77: Oct. 4-5, California Hotel, Las Vegas; 393-8521, fhs1977@hawaii.rr.com, www.fhs77reunion.netfirms.com.

Hanapi Ohana: descendants of Kawaihoa Hanapi, Edward Hanapi, Lucy Bungo and Lily Kawelo: family reunion Nov. 23-25; 595-8899, hanapi2007@hawaii.rr.com.

Hilo (Big Island) '57: Sept. 14-15, Hilo Hawaiian hotel; (808) 959-0827, ltakemura@hotmail.com, gwenmuria@hawaiiantel.net.

Hilo (Big Island) '65: Oct. 11-13, California Hotel, Las Vegas; (808) 935-3890, (808) 959-9765, (808) 959-6333.

Hilo (Big Island) '67: June 22-23; 959-4575, ext. 3321, lont@aloha.net.

Honoka'a '87, June 29-July 1; honokaaclassof1987@yahoo.com; Jo Ann Yonemura, 3307 28th Ave. SE, Albany, Ore. 97322.

Kahuku '65, with classes of 1960-1970 invited, Oct. 20, Las Vegas; 228-4466, www.kahukuclassof65.org, www.kahuku1070.8m.com.

Kailua '57: Oct. 22-26, Fremont hotel, Las Vegas; invitation to Kailua classes 1958-1962; 247-5698, 262-6415, 261-0797.

Kailua '62: Sept. 24-26, Boulder Station hotel, Las Vegas; 227-7062, www.classreport.org/usa/hi/kailua/khs/1962.

Kailua '65: Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Las Vegas; romehard4s@earthlink.net.

Kailua '72: 10 a.m. July 4, Kailua 4th of July parade, July 6 pupu party, Mid-Pacific Country Club, July 7, Society of Seven show, Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach, and Sept. 27-Oct. 2, Las Vegas with banquet, 6 p.m. Sept. 29 at Fremont hotel; ekhigashi@gmail.com, KHS '72, c/o T. Uyehara, P.O. Box 42, Kailua, HI 96734.

Kaimuki '67, Oct. 5, golf and banquet, New Ewa Beach Golf Course; Oct. 6, banquet, Hale Koa Hotel; wayne.shibata@hawaiiantel.net, 282-6984, 531-5552, 732-4947.

Kaimuki '72, Sept. 13-16, Las Vegas, activities in conjuction with the UH football game; 533-7530, rhashiro@hawaiiantel.net.

Kaimuki '77, Oct. 6, Las Vegas; kaimuki77@hotmail.com; www.kaimuki77.org.

Kaimuki '82: Sept. 28-30, Las Vegas; kaimuki82@yahoo.com.

Kaimuki '87: 6-11 p.m. Nov. 11, Pacific Beach hotel; kaimukiclassof87@hotmail.com, www.kaimukialumni.com/1987.

Kaiser '82: June 9, Las Vegas; kimmien2@cox.net.

Kaiser '87: 5-8 p.m. May 26, Rumours Nightclub at Ala Moana hotel; $35 advance, $40 at the door; 371-3698, ty1hawaii@yahoo.com. Reservation deadline is Tuesday.

Kalani '67: Sept. 8, Hale Koa Hotel; 347-8888, rotorhi@aol.com.

Kalani '77, Aug. 18 reunion banquet; Aug. 19 picnic; 351-8433, kalani77@gmail.com.

Kalani '82: June 29-30, Las Vegas; kalanihs1982@hawaii.rr.com, www.geocities.com/kalani_1982/.

Kaleimamahu 'Ohana: relatives of Frank, Solomon, Edward, Francis, Hattie, Estella, Lily and Alice from Waiahole, Waikane Valley, June22-24; 728-4401, annekomatsu@hawaii.rr.com.

Kapa'a (Kaua'i) '82: Aug. 3-4; (808) 652-9763, kapaa1982@hotmail.com.

Kubasaki (Okinawa, Japan): all alumni, faculty and staff, July 3-7, Las Vegas; 838-6007, ircrhh69@yahoo.com.

Lahainaluna '72: Sept. 20, Las Vegas; 734-3731, 677-5523, (808) 661-3055, imua72@hotmail.com.

Leilehua '52: Sept. 22, Honolulu; 622-4373, 623-2370, bsmakiyo@yahoo.com.

Leilehua '77, July 28, Rumours Nightclub; 371-4879, classof_77_rocks@yahoo.com.

Maui '82, Oct. 4-5, Las Vegas; (808) 871-9133, (808) 870-6974, www.myspace.com/mauihighclassof1982.

(Old) Maui High School, all-school reunion (1913-1972), Sept. 14-16 at the school campus in Hamakuapoko; (808) 878-8529, www.oldmauihigh.org.

McKinley '46, Oct. 1-5 California Hotel, Las Vegas; class1946mhs@cs.com, 373-3882, 595-4957.

McKinley '47, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 9 banquet, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i; also Inter-Island cruise, golf tournament, school campus tour and karaoke in planning stage; 488-7000, 247-3857, 521-9583.

McKinley '49, Oct. 16-20, Las Vegas with Oct. 18 banquet, California Hotel's Ohana Room. 247-5803, 955-1079, 988-3195.

McKinley '62: Aug. 11, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i Manoa ballroom; mckinley1962@hotmail.com, www.myspace.com/mhstinger62.

McKinley '75: Sept. 13-17, Las Vegas at UH football game and other activities, 678-3065, mhs1975tigers@cs.com.

McKinley '77: July 14, Dave & Buster's, Ward Entertainment Center; bart@mckinley1977.com, www.mckinley1977.com.

McKinley '87, Sept. 21-23, Ala Moana Hotel; register at 954-5555, www.mckinleyclassof87.com

Makekau 'Ohana, descendants of Keli'i-ma-ke-kau-o-Nu'uanu (1819-1907) and Meli Kahiwa Swinton (1823-1925), of Lahaina, Maui, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 14, Waikalua Latter-Day Saints Chapel, Kane'ohe; 671-6970, 395-7796, makekauohana@hotmail.com.

Mililani '82, 6-11 p.m. July 13, Nehelani Banquet and Conference Center, Schofield Barracks; 623-3931, mililaniclassof82@yahoo.com.

Mililani '87, Oct. 1, Main Street Hotel, Las Vegas; register at www.graduates.com, 330-7459, eztyga007@hotmail.com.

Moanalua '87: Aug. 10-12; moanalua87@hotmail.com, www.geocities.com/moanalua87.

Moanalua '92: July 5-7; moanalua1992@yahoo.com.

Moloka'i '87: May 24-28, Moloka'i Yacht Club; kelm2@aloha.net, saiakase@yahoo.com.

Nanakuli '82: Sept. 15, reunion; 923-5029, 696-8848.

Our Redeemer Lutheran, all classes: June 23 (especially graduates from 1977, 1982 and 1987); reservations by June 8; 949-5302.

Pahoa (Big Island) '44-'59: Oct. 7-10, California hotel, Las Vegas; (808) 959-8860, 536-4250.

Pearl City '75: Sept. 13-17, Las Vegas; 220-8465, herbyamamoto@aol.com.

Pearl City '77, Sept. 1-2; spangs77@hotmail.com.

Phillips-Medeiros Family Reunion, descendants of Manuel Phillips and Adelaide Medeiros to honor what would have been their 100th wedding anniversary, Oct. 20, Eddie Tam Center, Makawao, Maui; (808) 283-1571, msramon@hotmail.com, Lorna Ramon, P.O. Box 1323, Makawao, HI 96768.

Pu'unene Camp (Maui), all former residents invited to a three-day celebration, Aug. 3-5 at Pu'unene School; 664-9881, 592-6400. Registration deadline is July 1.

Radford '62: Aug. 3-5, Honolulu and Aug. 9-12, Las Vegas; 282-3792, lpmoleta@hawaii.rr.com.

Roosevelt '62: 6 p.m. July 7, Oahu Country Club; 247-5040, rodfhawaii@yahoo.com.

Roosevelt '72: June 9-10, roosevelt92_hawaii@hotmail.com, www.geocities.com/roosevelt92_hawaii.

Roosevelt '80: Oct. 6, Las Vegas; www.rhs1980.com, marie@rhs1980.com.

St. Theresa School, all classes: June 2 lu'au for school's 75th anniversary; 521-1700, sttheresa@hawaii.rr.com.

Sampaio/Sampaia Family, 5-9 p.m. July 21, Hilo Women's Club, Big Island; (808) 687-3442, (808) 968-8279. Reservations by June 1.

University High School '67, (currently UH Education Lab School), June 15-16; Itakagi1@hawaiiantel.net.

UH-Manoa, Arts & Sciences, '46, '47, '56, '57, '66, '67, '76, '77, Friday at UH-Manoa and Saturday at Hawai'i Institute for Marine Biology on Coconut Island; 956-4051, 956-5790, www.artsci.hawaii.edu/alumni.

USS Maddox Destroyer Association, Sept. 13-16, Herndon, Va.; Cliff Gillespie, 2118 Hines Road, Jennings, LA 70546. (337) 616-8450, cwgilles45@aol.com.

USS Mount McKinley Association, Sept. 12-16, Buffalo, N.Y. for all brances of the military that served during the 26 years of the flagship's commission; (703) 425-6315, lateman@comcast.net.

Waialua '82: Sept. 2 family picnic, Oct. 3-8 Las Vegas; Class of 1982, P.O. Box 631, Waialua, HI 96791, waialua1982@yahoo.com.

Wai'anae '97: Sept. 22, waianae97@hotmail.com.

Waimea (Kaua'i) '55: Oct. 12-13, Kaumakani Park with heavy pupu Oct. 12 and lu'au Oct. 13; billhonj@hawaiiantel.net.

Waimea (Kaua'i) '77: July 27-28; mira@hawaiilink.net.

Waipahu '62: Sept. 29-30; kuwaharak001@hawaii.rr.com.

Waipahu '67: 5-9 p.m. Nov. 9, dance party at Ala Moana hotel, Nov. 10 golf tournament, Nov. 11 banquest at Hawaii Okinawan Center; 988-7191, waipahu67@yahoo.com.

Waipahu '75: Sept. 13-17 in Las Vegas; 383-8281, hawaii50bash1975@yahoo.com.

Waipahu '77: Oct. 19, Main Street hotel, Las Vegas; 258-1450, kuuleilaniv@hawaiiantel.net, www.whs77.info.

Send announcements to: Reunions, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax 525-8055, islandlife@honoluluadvertiser.com, with "Reunion Cal" in the subject line.