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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tryout calendar

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Maximum Events seeks females, ages 14-19, for the Miss Teen U.S. pageant in Hawai'i, March 1-5. Winner continues to the Miss Teen World pageant in Sydney, Australia, in April. Application deposit of $175 will be applied to the $575 entry fee if selected to compete. Apply at www.missteen before Nov. 1. 352-5722.

Mai Wilkes Productions seeks females ages 3-45 to compete in America's Miss Angel Pageant on Nov. 25. Registration fee: $175. 389-1255. Application deadline: Nov. 15.


Brew Moon Waikiki auditions for weekend performances in an open mike, casual venue on the restaurant's lanai. Seeking Hawaiian, jazz, easy listening soloists and groups (no grunge or heavy metal groups) to tryout and also established performers, no auditions required, to record with JWAVE, a Japanese radio station. For an appointment: Andree at 955-9045.

Al Waterson and You Talent Search,competition for singers, 6-9 p.m. Sundays, Don Ho's Island Grill. Register: 947-5736.

Hawai'i Vocal Arts Ensemble auditions singers by appointment. 261-6495,

O'ahu Civic Orchestra invites musicians to join rehearsals, 7 p.m. Mondays, Eiben Hall, Chaminade University. 261-6127, 735-5726.

The Honolulu Chorale invites singers to join the group; rehearsals 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays. 680-7702. www.thehonolu

Na Leo Lani Chorus, Hawai'i chapter of Sweet Adelines International, invites women 16 and older to its rehearsals, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Saint Francis School auditorium. 944-3373,

Honolulu Men's Chorus seeks singers � gay and gay-friendly men in all vocal ranges � to join the chorus, 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays. 429-9600.

Sounds of Aloha Barbershop Chorus rehearsals 7 p.m. Thursdays, Ala Wai Golf Course clubhouse. 262-7664.

Hawai'i Kai Towne Center calls for groups from churches, schools and community organizations to perform at the center. 941-0440.