Posted on: Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Sit back, relax and enjoy the turkey-to-go
By Wanda A. Adams Advertiser Food Editor
Most takeout Thanksgiving dinners will come with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.
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TIPS FOR EASY TURKEY TAKEOUT If you're thinking about ordering out for Thanksgiving, here are some tips. Order now; most places will sell out in the next week or so. Make the pickup in pairs — extra hands, or perhaps someone to drive around the block while the other goes in, will come in handy. Stock up on heavy-duty aluminum foil, helpful for reheating. Use an instant-read thermometer to be sure you heat the turkey sufficiently; it should reach 145 degrees. In reheating the meal, divide the dishes up between the microwave (best for liquid or creamy dishes such as soups or potatoes, and vegetables), the stovetop (gravy) and the oven (meats, breads), based on which foods respond best to which cooking techniques. To warm rolls without drying them out, spray a piece of heavy-duty foil lightly with water, place rolls on foil, wrap and reheat at 325-350 degrees. To warm mashed potatoes while retaining creamy texture, place them in a crockery bowl over a gently simmering pot of water on the stove and cover them with foil. You can add a little warm milk, cream or melted butter if they seem too dry. Bring out all your serving pieces and utensil and use Post-It notes to label them so you and your helpers can quickly transfer the food from its takeout containers. Just to keep the guilt at bay, prepare one or two family favorite sides to go with the purchased dishes. |
WHERE TO BUY YOUR BIRD Unless otherwise specified, turkeys are in the 10- to 12-pound range (precooked weight) and the meals are meant to serve 6-8. Expect to have turkey leftovers, but if you want second servings of sides, order extra. Most operations require full payment in advance and some have order deadlines and restrictive cancellation policies; be sure to ask. • A Catered Experience: Turkey, 4 pounds poultry gravy, 4 pounds mashed potatoes, 3 pounds stuffing, 1 pound cranberry relish, 1 dozen dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, $73.95; additional sides available. 677-7744. Pickup 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Hawaii Okinawa Center parking lot, 94-587 ‘Üke‘e St., Waipio Gentry. • Creations in Catering: Herb-roasted turkey, sage/Portuguese sausage and chestnut stuffing, giblet gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, buttered corn O’Brien, candied yams, cranberry relish, sweet bread rolls and a pumpkin pie. Heat-and-serve, $79; piping hot, $99. 548-3589 or 548-3663. Pickup 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dole Cannery ground floor. • Diamond Head Market & Grill: Turkey with herb gravy, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, wild mushroom/brioche stuffing, fall vegetable medley, candied sweet potatoes, fresh cranberry-orange compote, dinner rolls and pumpkin-pecan crunch, $160 (serves 8); additional whole ham, add $50. Order deadline: Nov. 17. 732-0077. Pickup at Market, 3575 Campbell Ave. (Campbell at Monsarrat). • Hawaii Prince Hotel: Macadamia nut/honey-glazed turkey (12-14 pounds), 48 ounces cornbread/sausage/chestnut stuffing, 48 ounces garlic mashed potatoes, pint of giblet gravy, pint of orange-cranberry sauce, 32 ounces maple-glazed yams, 6 fresh-baked rolls, 8-inch pumpkin pie. $105 before Nov. 17; $115 after. 944-4438, weekdays, 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Pickup at hotel, 100 Holomoana St., Waikïkï. • Hau Tree Lanai: Turkey with Portuguese sausage/apple stuffing, gravy, cranberry relish, corn on the cob, vegetables, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro rolls, Portuguese bean soup and pumpkin pie. $85 if ordered by Nov. 16; $90 after Nov. 16. 923-1555. Pick up at New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel, 2863 Kaläkaua Ave., Waikïkï. • Hyatt-Regency Hotel: Turkey with chestnut/sage stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn chowder, giblet gravy, buttered corn, rolls and butter, cranberry relish, candied yams, pumpkin pie, $72. 528-6066. Pickup at hotel, 2424 Kaläkaua Ave., Waikïkï. • Kahala Mandarin Oriental: Turkey with sides (specifics follow), $129; after you’ve ordered one complete dinner, you can order extras: turkey and chestnut stuffing, $70; pint of gravy, $11; maple-glazed Molokaçi sweet potato, $8; mashed potatoes, $10; autumn vegetables with house-smoked bacon, $11; cranberry sauce, $8; ciabbata bread, $10; salad of artichokes and mushrooms, $11; pumpkin pie, $10; chestnut stuffing, $10. 739-8888, ask for room service. Pickup 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Kahala Mandarin Oriental hotel. • Kenny’s Restaurant: 12- to 14-pound turkey, sage/sausage stuffing, gravy, $59.99. 841-0931. Pickup at Kenny’s, 1620 N. School St. • Pacific Beach Hotel: Turkey, garlic-herb mashed potatoes, sausage stuffing, giblet gravy, corn and edamame succotash, candied yams with marshmallow topping, cranberry relish, pumpkin pie, sweet dinner rolls, $79. 921-6137. Drive-through pickup at the hotel, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 2490 Kaläkaua Ave., Waikïkï. • Safeway stores: Three complete dinners offered: roast turkey with cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, $44.99; spiral-sliced ham with scalloped potatoes au gratin, corn medley, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, apple pie, $54.99; and prime rib with scalloped potatoes au gratin, corn medley, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, apple pie, $64.99. Order and pick up at nearest Safeway. • Zippy’s: Turkey, 4 pounds stuffing, 4 pounds mashed potatoes, 4 pounds poultry gravy, 1 pound cranberry-pineapple relish, 1 dozen sweet dinner rolls, $56.95; half-package, $26.95. Orders taken at only certain locations; call administrative offices for information, 973-0880. |
Susan Mitsunaga hadn't enjoyed Thanksgiving in years — until last year, when she decided to break with tradition and — horrors! — buy her turkey dinner to go.
Mitsunaga is a care-home nurse who often has to work holiday shifts. Her husband is a plumber who always seems to get called out on Thanksgiving. Their three children aren't old enough to be of much help in the kitchen, and her mom, who lives with them, is growing frail.
"I love to cook and if I had a couple of days off, I would love to make the whole thing from scratch. But it just seemed like I was killing myself trying to bake the pies ahead, calling home during the day to make sure my husband didn't forget to put the turkey in the oven, rushing home to finish the dinner and then all those dishes!"
Then she noticed that the deli at her local Safeway was offering complete turkey dinners for less than $50. "I told my husband, 'That's it!' He said OK, so long as I made rice. He doesn't like mashed potato," she said with a laugh.
Mitsunaga said the hardest thing about Thanksgiving the turkey-to-go way was getting over the guilt. "My mother always made everything from scratch and I feel bad that I can't do that. But I just had to think about what Thanksgiving is about — family, spending time together. And it was no fun if I was in the kitchen the whole time and all tired and grumpy."
Mitsunaga and her family are part of a growing trend, according to hotels, caterers and restaurants that offer turkey-to-go service.
Kelvin Ro of three-year-old Diamond Head Market & Grill said his Thanksgiving Day dinners sell out well in advance and he's been forced to increase the number of orders he takes every year. Though he didn't begin taking orders until last month, customers started calling in February, he said. The Monsarrat-area takeout market will do 140 dinners this year, requiring his small staff to organize the prep like a military campaign.
"We start a week before. There's a production schedule for every dish that tells us what gets prepped that day, what gets cooked that day, what gets packaged," said Ro. "Everything is from scratch, we don't use any frozen material or processed stuff, so it's just like you would make it at home."
Well, maybe not just like home, when you consider that they're chopping herbs by the pound and potatoes by the bushel.
Like most turkey-to-go operations, Diamond Head Market's meals are cooked, then cooled and refrigerated, so customers are warned to give themselves an hour and a half or so to warm up everything.
At Creations in Catering at Dole Cannery, president Mike Rabe says turkey-to-go is clearly an increasing trend. They're doing 300 turkeys this year and will sell out, as most operations do.
"There are fewer people who are cooking at home and it seems as though they'd rather spend their time at the beach or with family than in the kitchen," he said.
Pacific Beach Hotel, which has been preparing turkeys to go for more than 10 years, has capped orders at 500, said senior catering sales manager Risa Meyers. "We want to keep the quality and that's a level we feel comfortable with. We always sell out and we still get a lot of calls," she said, noting that turkey-to-go customers come from all over the island and many are repeats. These regular customers get a flier reminding them to order early and a few dollars off if they call in by a certain date.
A trend within the trend is the piping hot turkey. Rabe said Creations in Catering does a limited number of these and people really like the idea; they charge an extra $10 for the hot bird and people are happy to pay it. Chilled turkeys take time to reheat, he said, and some customers don't even want that much work or hassle. "They don't want to do anything — they just want to take it home and have dinner."
Turkeys are notoriously easy to overcook and dry out, and Rabe said a challenge for caterers is teaching consumers how to finish the bird without finishing it off. His chef used to remove the pop-up thermometer in the turkey that indicates doneness but Rabe suggested leaving it in, so people don't reheat turkey for too long. "We want our product to be as if our chef had served it himself, but once they pick it up, it's out of our hands," he said.
Ironically, a spokeswoman for the Butterball Turkey Talk-line says that it might be safer to buy a piping hot turkey, so long as you go from pickup to table within two hours. If you choose a hot bird, she suggests, wrap it in heavy-duty foil and then in beach towels or blankets. It will stay safely hot for two to three hours.
Chilled turkeys must be fully reheated — to 145 degrees, which might dry out the white meat.
Unless otherwise specified, turkeys are in the 10- to 12-pound range (precooked weight) and meals are serve 6-8. If you want second servings of sides, order extra. Most operations require full payment in advance and some have order deadlines and restrictive cancellation policies; be sure to ask. Pickup is on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24.
A Catered Experience: Turkey, 4 pounds poultry gravy, 4 pounds mashed potatoes, 3 pounds stuffing, 1 pound cranberry relish, 1 dozen dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, $73.95; additional sides available. 677-7744. Pickup 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Hawaii Okinawa Center parking lot, 94-587 'Uke'e St., Waipio Gentry.
Creations in Catering: Herb-roasted turkey, sage/Portuguese sausage and chestnut stuffing, giblet gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, buttered corn O'Brien, candied yams, cranberry relish, sweet bread rolls and a pumpkin pie. Heat-and-serve, $79; piping hot, $99. 548-3589 or 548-3663. Pickup 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dole Cannery ground floor.
Diamond Head Market & Grill: Turkey with herb gravy, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, wild mushroom/brioche stuffing, fall vegetable medley, candied sweet potatoes, fresh cranberry-orange compote, dinner rolls and pumpkin-pecan crunch, $160 (serves 8); additional whole ham, add $50. Order deadline: Nov. 17. 732-0077. Pickup at Market, 3575 Campbell Ave. (Campbell at Monsarrat).
Hawaii Prince Hotel: Macadamia nut/honey-glazed turkey (12-14 pounds), 48 ounces cornbread/sausage/chestnut stuffing, 48 ounces garlic mashed potatoes, pint of giblet gravy, pint of orange-cranberry sauce, 32 ounces maple-glazed yams, 6 fresh-baked rolls, 8-inch pumpkin pie. $105 before Nov. 17; $115 after. 944-4438, weekdays, 8:30 a.m.5 p.m. Pickup at hotel, 100 Holomoana St., Waikiki.
Hau Tree Lanai: Turkey with Portuguese sausage/apple stuffing, gravy, cranberry relish, corn on the cob, vegetables, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro rolls, Portuguese bean soup and pumpkin pie. $85 if ordered by Nov. 16; $90 after Nov. 16. 923-1555. Pick up at New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel, 2863 Kalakaua Ave., Waikiki.
Hyatt-Regency Hotel: Turkey with chestnut/sage stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn chowder, giblet gravy, buttered corn, rolls and butter, cranberry relish, candied yams, pumpkin pie, $72. 528-6066. Pickup at hotel, 2424 Kalakaua Ave., Waikiki.
Kahala Mandarin Oriental: Turkey with sides (specifics follow), $129; after you've ordered one complete dinner, you can order extras: turkey and chestnut stuffing, $70; pint of gravy, $11; maple-glazed Moloka'i sweet potato, $8; mashed potatoes, $10; autumn vegetables with house-smoked bacon, $11; cranberry sauce, $8; ciabbata bread, $10; salad of artichokes and mushrooms, $11; pumpkin pie, $10; chestnut stuffing, $10. 739-8888, ask for room service. Pickup 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Kahala Mandarin Oriental hotel.
Kenny's Restaurant: 12- to 14-pound turkey, sage/sausage stuffing, gravy, $59.99. 841-0931. Pickup at Kenny's, 1620 N. School St.
Pacific Beach Hotel: Turkey, garlic-herb mashed potatoes, sausage stuffing, giblet gravy, corn and edamame succotash, candied yams with marshmallow topping, cranberry relish, pumpkin pie, sweet dinner rolls, $79. 921-6137. Drive-through pickup at the hotel, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 2490 Kalakaua Ave., Waikiki.
Safeway stores: Three complete dinners offered: roast turkey with cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, $44.99; spiral-sliced ham with scalloped potatoes au gratin, corn medley, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, apple pie, $54.99; and prime rib with scalloped potatoes au gratin, corn medley, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, apple pie, $64.99. Order and pick up at nearest Safeway.
Zippy's: Turkey, 4 pounds stuffing, 4 pounds mashed potatoes, 4 pounds poultry gravy, 1 pound cranberry-pineapple relish, 1 dozen sweet dinner rolls, $56.95; half-package, $26.95. Orders taken at only certain locations; call administrative offices for information, 973-0880.
Reach Wanda A. Adams at
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