Waddle: Left, in the midst of the court of inquiry in March. Right, last week, when he expressed the hope that he might someday become an undersecretary of the Navy.

Photos by Associated Press and Richard Ambo • The Honolulu Advertiser

Waddle sees his desire to "achieve some acknowledgement of the act of atonement" as a key step on a journey that will re-shape his life. His days since the USS Greeneville sliced through the hull of the Ehime Maru in February, filled so often with reflection and sorrow, now offer hope: Waddle believes he will rise in the ranks of corporate America, earn an MBA and find his way into the Pentagon as an undersecretary of the Navy.

All of this within seven years.

Hear an excerpt of Waddle's interview. (Real Player required.)
[ Next ]

Page 2: His goal
Page 3: Leaving Hawai'i
Page 4: A lot of 'what-ifs'
Page 5: Falling from grace
Page 6: Job offers
Page 7: His strength
Page 8: Victims' families
Page 9: Expressing regret
Page 10: Being forgiven
Full story
Special: Collision at sea
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