The conviction of Matthew Higa on Feb. 11, 2010 brought an end to the heart-breaking death of a little boy, Cyrus Belt. The toddler was thrown from a freeway overpass into the path of the traffic below after living his short life surrounded by ice-addicted adults.

Clockwise, from left: Defendant Matthew Higa and his attorney; 23-month-old Cyrus Belt, killed Jan. 17, 2008; Nancy Chanco, Cyrus' mother; Shelton Higa, Matthew's father; Circuit Judge Dexter Del Rosario, who tried the case.

Slain tot's mother accused in robbery
The mother of murdered toddler Cyrus Belt entered a not-guilty plea to a robbery charge yesterday, hours before her son's accused killer was convicted. Nancy Chanco allegedly helped rob Troy Carvalho of $7,000 on Nov. 11 while she was in his car at the intersection of Auloa Street and Kalaniana'ole Highway, according to a police report.