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Posted on: Saturday, February 13, 2010

Faith calendar

 • Churches going pup-friendly


ADAM HAMILTON, pastor of the Church of the Resurrection, Kansas City, 2010 Britt Lecturer, 7 p.m. Feb. 13 and 14, First United Methodist Church; child care available; information, Tom Choi,

DIGNITY HONOLULU HOUSE PARTY, fundraiser for Dignity USA, a national organization of gay Catholics, with pūpū and silent auction; 7 p.m. Feb. 13 at Queen Emma Gardens, Tea House #2 (street parking only); $10; 352-7558.

VALENTINE'S DAY CHOCOLATE FANTASY BAZAAR, with home-baked chocolate goods, as well as fruit and other goodies dipped in a chocolate fountain; to fund programs for the elderly, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Feb. 14, Pearl City Hongwanji Mission; 455-1680.

"THE AWAKENED HEART," spiritual discussion, sponsored by Eckankar Hawaii; 10-11 a.m. Feb. 14, Kaala Healing Arts Center, second-floor lobby, Waialua; free; open to the public; information, 735-7719

NATIONAL PREACH-IN ON GLOBAL WARMING, 10 a.m. Feb. 14, Christ Church Uniting, Kailua, with speaker Rob Kinslow, engineer, documentary filmmaker, presenter for The Climate Project and social justice activist; 262-6911.

"WATER OF LIFE FROM THE WELL OF DREAMWORK," a workshop on dreams, symbols, and how they enhance our lives, by Jerry R. Wright, Jungian analyst, lecturer, and pilgrimage and workshop leader, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Feb. 19, and 9-11:30 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Feb. 20, Wesley United Methodist Church, Kāhala; $30; information/registration, 373-9482.

SIMPLISITY band, concert of jazz and contemporary music, 4 p.m. Feb. 20, St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church; $10 ($1 for children); tickets at church office/at door; 845-2112.


HAITI EARTHQUAKE RELIEF, Episcopal Relief and Development, Haiti Fund: donate at

UPDATE: WEEKLY MIDEAST BIBLE PROPHECY UPDATE, by the Rev. J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe; 9:30 a.m. Sundays, at the church; followed by a verse-by-verse teaching from the Bible; information, 262-8800.

WEDNESDAYS AT ST. ANDREW'S, Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew; information, 524-2822:

• Holy Eucharist (communion) and short sermon; 11:45 a.m., Parke Chapel.

• Brown-bag concerts of chamber and choral music and recitals on the cathedral's Aeolian Skinner pipe organ; 12:15 p.m.; brown-bag lunches in the cathedral encouraged; free.

• Taize Evensong, contemplative, half-hour service; 5:30 p.m., in the cathedral.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HONOLULU, national grief and divorce support groups/programs, at the church, 45-550 Ki'ona'ole Road, Kāne'ohe; free ($10 registration/workbook fee); free child care with notice; information, 226-7511:

• GriefShare, for those who have lost someone through death; 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays; specific information, 532-1111.

• DivorceCare, an after-divorce series; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays; specific information, 254-3136.