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Posted on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Culinary calendar

 • From soil to kitchen


"A STEAK FOR ART'S SAKE," a Morton's steakhouse fundraiser for Bishop Museum's art restoration fund for its collection of 18th and 19th century artwork, with a buffet of Morton's signature dishes, select wines, silent auction (including of rare items from the museum and jewelry), and chance to "adopt" a painting in need of restoration ); 5:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 9, Morton's The Steakhouse, Ala Moana Center; $250 ($500 for reserved seat); reservations, Christopher Hu, 847-8271.

"20TH ANNUAL DESSERT FANTASY," fundraiser for United Cerebral Palsy Association of Hawaii, including a silent auction, and entertainment by Herb Ohta Jr.; 1-3 p.m. Nov. 1, Pacific Beach Hotel, Grand Ballroom; $25; tickets, 532-6744

NEW KAUA'I COMMUNITY MARKET, sponsored by Kauai Country Farm Bureau and Kauai Community College, with locally grown food, culinary treats, agricultural and culinary demonstrations and "talk story," 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays, KCC campus, front parking lot, fronting Grove Farm (vendor applications open to farmers, caterers using fresh ingredients, agricultural commodity groups and nonprofits, and agricultural educational programs; information, 808-337-9944.

"PASTA AND PASSION," pasta/dessert/optional wine pairing outreach event, foods prepared by chef Dean Mishima of Dean's Drive Inn, and food editor/author Wanda Adams; 6:30-9 p.m. Oct. 22, Hope Chapel K�neohe; $15 (wine optional; child care [with dinner/drink] $5 per child); information, 348-2280.

"RHONE WINE TASTING DINNER," showcasing rustic ingredients and regional flavors of grilled lamb, garlic, olives, anchovies and fresh seafood; seatings at 5:30, 6, 7:30 or 8 p.m.; Oct. 28; 12th Avenue Grill; Oct. 28; $65; reservations, 732-9469.

"ONE NIGHT STAND ORGANIC MARKET," with locally grown organic fruits and vegetables, including guava butter spread and ginger lavosh, fresh kawa, homemade salsa, and ginger lemonade; 4-7 p.m. Oct. 29, N� Mea Hawaii, Ward Warehouse; free admission; information, 259-5635.


THE WINE STOP EVENTS; fees; required reservations, 946-3707.:

• "Shelton Brothers' Brews from Around the World," 5-7 p.m., Oct. 23; $10.

• "Pacific Northwest Cult Tasting," 5-7 p.m. Oct. 25; $40.

• "90+ Point Pinot Noirs" with food complement s, 5-7 p.m. Oct. 28; $20.

"THINK GLOBAL, EAT LOCAL!," hands-on workshop on backyard organic gardening, Hawaiian-style, including augmenting soil quality with limu, microorganisms, vermicompost (using worms) and manure, and safe methods of pest control; 9:30-11:30 a.m. Oct. 24; LyonArboretum, 3860 M�noa Road; $18 (includes plant supplies and materials); register: 988-0461;

BASIC KOREAN COOKING CLASS, taught by Walter Rhee, including beef bulgogi, BBQ pork, rice dumpling soup, chap chae, mandoo and raw fish sauce, with recipe handouts; 4-6:30 p.m. Oct. 24; Palama Market Dillingham; $69 (cash only); information,; required reservations, 391-1550.

BRASSERIE DU VIN invites volunteer musicians, young or old, to entertain diners � boogie-woogie, jazz, blues, swing � on the new piano in the main dining room; contact Jody at


"FRESH DAYS," sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, offers a chance to shop for affordable, fresh, locally grown produce, information on shopping and eating healthier, and food samples; information, 432-2270:

• Honolulu Clinic, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Fridays, main entrance/lobby area.

• Moanalua Medical Center, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Thursdays, main entrance.

• Waipio Clinic, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Wednesdays, front entrance and main lobby.

ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FARMERS MARKET, with locally grown fresh produce and farm products, and takeout meals or sit-down dining; 4:30-7:30 p.m. Thursdays, at the Makiki parish; 735-4550.

Waik�k� Farmers Market, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays; Waik�k� Community Center; free; 923-1802.

FARMERS MARKET, with fresh Island cuisine and local natural/organic produce, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. first and third Tuesdays monthly; Bank of Hawaii Waik�k� Center (formerly Kal�kaua Business Center/Mitsukoshi Building); free; 924-2155.

INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLACE FARMERS MARKET, 4-8 p.m. Thursdays; free; information, 922-2724.


"UNCORKED," an interactive wine course for wine lovers and novices, with different wine/wine region focus each month; 6-8 p.m., first Wednesdays monthly; Pearl Ultralounge, Ala Moana Center; $20; reservations required, 944-8000.

A Cook's Tour of Chinatown: Walter Rhee leads a tour of Downtown markets, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Saturdays; meet near Hawaii National Bank, between King and Smith streets; $25. Also: CHINATOWN EATERIES TOUR, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturdays; meet at same location; $69. Information:; reservations: 391-1550,

WEEKLY WINE EVENTS: Brasserie Du Vin, 1115 Bethel St.; limited seating, reservations required; 545-1115:

• Dinner/wine pairing, 6 p.m. Mondays; $49; no menu substitutions.

• Wine Tasting Club, with different weekly themes and available meat/cheese plates, appetizers and happy-hour prices, 6 p.m. Tuesdays; $20 (tax and tip additional).

12th AVENUE GRILL "CRAFT BAR," featuring handcrafted microbrews, house-made tapas, and handpicked wine flights; 5:30-6:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays; 12th Avenue Grill, Kaimuk�; 732-9469.

COMPLIMENTARY WINE TASTINGS, with different themes every week, 1-5 p.m. Saturdays; and Pau Hana Wine & Cheese Tastings, 4-8 p.m. second and third Fridays; The Wine Stop; free; 946-3707.

MONTHLY RECIPE CONTEST, offered by Don Ho's Island Grill, Aloha Tower Marketplace, differ-ent theme monthly; winning re-cipe (must be original with "Island flair" matching restaurant's menu) will be monthly special. Drop off typed recipe, name, address and phone number at restaurant; information: 528-0807.