Posted on: Monday, March 23, 2009
10 great, green ideas
By Zenaida Serrano Advertiser Staff Writer
It's never too late to switch to lifestyle that's eco-friendly and follows a model of sustainability.
Shanah Trevenna, student sustainability coordinator at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa, will teach sustainability courses at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa Outreach College this summer; $35, $25 for students, plus $20 for an optional text book, "The Honu Guide." To register or for details: 956-8400, — click on noncredit "courses & workshops," then "business and management." Sustainability 101: Introduction. 1-3 p.m. June 9. Sustainability 101: Basic Training for Sustainable Action. 1-3 p.m. June 16.
Need help going green? Consider hiring a student through the Sustainable Saunders Internship Program at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa to guide you. The Sustainable Saunders initiative, run by a student team called HUB, or Help us Bridge, found $146,000 in no- to low-cost energy savings in one year at Saunders Hall, alongside water and waste stream reductions. The team found an additional $700,000 in no-cost energy savings at Hamilton Library. The program's interns use this expertise for homes and commercial businesses, helping to identify opportunities to save through energy, water and waste assessments. Cost of a consultation ranges from $200 for a basic home assessment to about $2,000 for a commercial assessment. Details:
Top row, from left: Tiffany Isobe, Patrick Garcia, Shanah Trevenna, Keith Blake, Norm Wang, Naomi Iwabuchi, Isao Kaji and Mike Foley. Bottom row, from left: Tamara Armstrong and Vance Arakaki. They run the Sustainable Saunders initiative at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa.
Marika Ripke
Shanah Trevenna
The green movement may have been around for years, but not everyone has switched to an Earth-loving lifestyle.
It's never too late to start, said Shanah Trevenna, student sustainability coordinator of Sustainable Saunders, an initiative at University of Hawai'i-Manoa to evolve one of its on-campus buildings, Saunders Hall, into a model of sustainability.
"As the new green economy grows, with greater widespread awareness and billions in stimulus support, now is the perfect time to join the movement with some simple eco-friendly choices," Trevenna said.
Trevenna's work with Sustainable Saunders included coordinating many no- to low-cost projects for water, waste and energy management. A grad student in UH's Department of Urban and Regional Planning, she aspires to become a professor of sustainability.
Whether you're a newbie or just need a refresher, Trevenna offers her top 10 tips — complete with helpful Web sites — on how to start living greener.
A great and easy way to start is by conserving energy, Trevenna said.
"Hawai'i gets over 95 percent of its energy from burning fossil fuels, which contributes to the pollution that is causing the weird weather patterns and rising sea levels that will greatly affect our Islands," Trevenna said. "Using less energy and transitioning to renewable sources adds up to more money in your pocket and contributes to a brighter future for everyone."
Switch from incandescent lightbulbs to compact fluorescent lightbulbs, which use 75 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer. Replacing just one 100-watt lightbulb, used six hours per day, can save $48 per year. Go to to download a PDF guide to an energy-efficient home.
Get solar water heating, which can reduce a home's electricity bill by 35 percent. It pays initial costs back in two years or less with energy savings, tax breaks and utility rebates, and savings roll in for decades, Trevenna says. Visit for contractors in Hawai'i.
Plug home electronics into a power strip, and turn that power strip off when not in use. "Phantom loads" from your computers, appliances and chargers can account for about 15 percent of your energy bill. Visit to learn more.
Use natural daylight and natural ventilation (cross breezes) of the trade winds, instead of air conditioning; this can reduce a commercial building's energy use by 60 percent or more. More tips at
Use a "green" loan or home equity loan to install renewable energy systems, such as solar photovoltaic panels. It's "one of the most sound investments you can make in today's economy," Trevenna said. Using tax credits, systems can pay for themselves in as little as seven years and even generate profits through savings and real estate appreciation. It's all spelled out at
Trevenna offers five additional tips to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle:
Stop using disposable plastic and toxic plastic foam containers. Instead, bring your own reusable shopping bag and frequent restaurants that use bio-compostable take-out ware. Sustainable Saunders found that 85 percent of UH's food service trash could be composted into organic fertilizer if the campus went plastic-free. Visit to learn more.
Shop locally owned businesses for everything from foods, clothing and housewares. Experts have found that for every $100 spent at a local vendor, $45 circulates in the local economy, while $100 spent in a national chain circulates $13. Visit to find $3,500 in coupon savings at local, sustainable businesses.
Recycle. Visit www to find out what can be recycled and where it can be recycled. Local business Hagadone Printing Co. prints on recycled paper using water- and energy-efficient processes, and accepts your waste paper for recycling;
Eat locally grown food. Support local food production by enjoying farmers markets listed at
Leave your car at home. Join alternative transport communities including vanpooling (, ride sharing (, cycling ( and walking (
Reach Zenaida Serrano at
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