Web match site links gifts, schools in need
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The desire to help Hawai'i schools is in abundant supply, but finding the right way to assist can be a challenge.
http://www.HelpHawaiiSchools.com, now halfway through its first year of full operation, is shaping up as an effective Web tool that connects private donors and volunteers with public schools in need.
So far, 41 of the state's 257 schools are enrolled in the matching service — participation required a commitment of staff trained to use the Web tool and coordinate the offers of donations and help. Most schools had too much on their plate to free up the staff at this point; so say program staffers, who are hoping for funds to roll out the service to more campuses that become ready.
But for individuals, groups and businesses eager to pitch in during a difficult fiscal year, the tool is simple to use. Registering at the site requires little personal information, and those who do will find it easy to let schools know what they have to offer, or what particular school needs they can fill.
Now, even alumni living far away can lend a hand. And unlisted campuses can receive donations through the "other schools" option on the site.
At a time when so many schools are under budgetary strain, it's uplifting to find at least one clear route for letting school keiki know their neighbors care about them.