Save Our Schools Hawaii holding discussion on 'furlough Friday'
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Save Our Schools Hawai�i said it will hold the first of a series of community discussions about the "furlough Fridays" and public education Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. in Manoa District Park's multipurpose building.
SOS members will facilitate discussions with adults and youth. Also, children will be invited to express their thoughts on furloughs and education through artwork and writing that may be submitted to SOS's ongoing "1000 Student Voices about Furlough Fridays" project. Some students will be making holiday cards for their teachers. The public is invited to attend the event.
In an effort to spotlight student perspectives about furlough days, education and leadership, SOS accepting student-produced letters, artwork and video messages. The "Student Voices" project will wrap up next month, just before the beginning of the legislative session. SOS Hawaii will deliver "1000 Student Voices" submissions to the governor, legislators, Department of Education, Board of Education, Hawaii State Teachers Assocation, Hawaii Government Employees Assocation and the United Public Workers union. Additional information about the project is at
Submissions may be in the form of letters, photos, videos, and artwork. Electronic submissions (in doc, text, pdf, jpg) are accepted electronically at (send link to You Tube Submissions) or by e-mail at Mail hard-copy submissions to c/o Clare, 1617 Kapiolani Blvd. #202, Honolulu HI 96814.
Friday marks the sixth furlough Friday.