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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sex offender used Craigslist to find tenants for his Kaneohe home

By Jim Dooley
Advertiser Staff Writer

Convicted sex offender Harrison Mew used a phony name on Craigslist to find female tenants at a Kaneohe executive mansion where he has been living this year, according to court testimony this morning.

Circuit Judge Steven Alm ordered Mew, 57, to spend the next 60 days in jail for violating rules of his probation.
Several women, including Mew�s new wife, Julia Jahnke, attended the hearing and said afterward that Mew is under investigation by Honolulu police for allegedly fondling a 19-year-old tenant at the Kaneohe house earlier this year.
�He projected that it was a safe place to be,� said one of Mew�s tenants, La Shelle Entsminger, who recently moved here from Arizona.
Jahnke said she married Mew in January of this year and gradually found out about his criminal history.
�At the beginning, I didn�t know anything,� she said. �Then I found out more and more.�
She said she told other tenants at the home yesterday about Mew�s criminal record and that the name he has been using, Jonathan Ching, �is a fake.�
Mew is registered on the Hawaii sex offender data base under his correct name and he is listed as living at the correct Kaneohe address, 44-113 Puuohalai Place, off Kaneohe Bay Drive.
But he told prospective tenants that his name was Jonathan Ching or Jonathan Perry, Jahnke and others said.
Mew has been described by Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Michelle Puu as an �extremely dangerous sex predator.�
Mew received a 10-year prison sentence in the 1980s after his conviction in a series of burglaries in the Kahala area that earned him the title of the "Kahala Panty Burglar."
Those crimes began as low-level thefts but increased in seriousness to break-ins, stalkings and disturbing phone calls to female victims, according to prosecutors.
After serving a prison and parole term, Mew was indicted in 1999 on new sex charges. He pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree sexual assault after police discovered a videotape showing Mew and a co-defendant assaulting a 19-year-old woman who was too drunk to stand without help.
That crime occurred in Mew's Pearl City auto air-conditioning repair shop.
In 2007, he was sentenced to a new five-year probation term for failure to fully comply with Hawaii�s sex offender registration laws.
He was brought into court today on new probation violation charges.
Puu said Mew had failed to tell his probation officer that he had been questioned by police in connection with an alleged sex offense and also in connection with a theft allegation.
Mew�s lawyer, Todd Eddins, told the court that Mew has not been charged with a crime and �categorically denies� committing any offenses.
Mew told Alm that he forgot to tell his probation officer about his contacts with the police.
�My family has a history of dementia and Alzheimer�s,� Mew said.
�I�m getting up there in age,� he continued.
�You�re only a year older than me, Mr. Mew,� Alm told him. �That�s not going to cut it.�
Alm ordered Mew to spend the next two months behind bars, and then complete a sex offender treatment program.
�You have a history that causes me extreme concern,� Alm said.
As a new condition of probation, Alm said Mew is �prohibited from living in the same house with any female� except for his wife.
Jahnke, Mew�s wife, said outside court she hopes to get her marriage annulled.