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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, November 16, 2008

A side trip for Mother Cope

 •  Awaiting Damien's canonization

Hawaii news photo - The Honolulu Advertiser

Mother Marianne Cope

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After traveling to Rome for Father Damien's canonization ceremony and visiting Damien's native Belgium, Islanders plan to take a side trip to Assisi, Italy, to honor Mother Marianne Cope.

Mother Marianne, who was called to serve those with Hansen's disease on O'ahu and at Kalaupapa, and who lived out her life at the Moloka'i settlement, is also on the path to sainthood.

"She is really a part of the story of Damien and Kalaupapa, serving those who were once neglected and rejected from society," said Bishop Larry Silva. "Since Mother Marianne was a great part of that here in Hawai'i, we want to honor her. She was at Damien's deathbed, she took over much of what he'd begun, she was his successor in a certain sense, and we're all called to be successors in our devotion to the Lord, especially to those who are rejected."