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Wayne Harada
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That was Cirque du Soleil founder and CEO Guy Lalibert� at a "Saltimbanco" performance last weekend at Blaisdell Arena. Lalibert� flew in from his Big Island home to catch the popular show and termed it in "top form." For the Canadian, Cirque has finally gone full circle, because it was Lalibert� � vacationing in the Isles some years back � who was inspired to create a show drawn from the Hawaiian sun, and thus was borne Cirque du Soleil, or circus of the sun.
The spectacle is in its final days today through Sunday and packed houses (in the three-quarter arena configuration) are now the norm.
The producers are happy with the numbers (box office) and there's buzz that "Allegria" would be the next extravaganza for this market, dates to be announced.
ISLAND HOPPING: When they talk about "the singing mayor" on Kaua'i, they're not referring to Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann. Instead, the nickname applies to Kaua'i Mayor-elect Bernard Carvalho Jr. because he's been part of the Tihati Productions family of entertainers on the Garden Island for a spell now, most recently emceeing and singing in the Hiva Pasefika Lu'au Show at the ResortQuest Kaua'i at Makaiwa, and sometimes at the Hyatt resort at Po'ipu. With the soft economy, the lu'au show is on hiatus at the ResortQuest now, and with his new role as mayor, Carvalho likely won't be able to regularly do his gig. "But we hope to get him at least one night a week, when we reopen on Dec. 2," said Tihati Productions' Cha Thompson.
Na Hoku Hanohano Award winners Amy Hanaiali'i and Na Leo (Nalani Choy, Lehua Kalama Heine, Angela Morales) have been making the rounds of O'ahu, Maui and the Big Island to mark the 50th anniversary of Kaiser Permanente here. Today is the actual anniversary date, when the visionary Henry J. Kaiser established Island roots. And Natural Vibrations and Anuhea also have provided entertainment at Kaiser's birthday events. And Hanaiali'i, who also is a Grammy nominee, also provides the voice for Kaiser's "Share the Breath" TV and radio spots.
FACT OR FICTION? There's ongoing Internet buzz that "Lost" stars Evangeline Lilly and Dominic Monaghan � she continues her Kate role, his Charlie was killed off in Season 3 � are planning an Island wedding next year. Or may already be secretly hitched. It's a mystery � much like the ABC series � but they love it here, so a Hawai'i nuptial, with co-stars in attendance, would be a no-brainer.
There's been chatter, too, about a Madonna's "Sticky & Sweet" tour as a possible year-end concert. Would have to be at Aloha Stadium. After her U.S. dates conclude with a Miami show, the Material Girl hits Mexico, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo through Dec. 21. It's a long journey to the Islands, and with her divorce from Guy Ritchie and child-custody issues still to be settled, a Hawai'i working vacation would seem to be therapeutic. But, as one local promoter says, this is a costly endeavor, and with our weakening economy, is there enough candy to sweeten the deal? Not likely.
AROUND TOWN: Pianist Betty Loo Taylor will join Black Sand, the resident troupers, from 7 to 10 p.m. tomorrow at Chuck's Cellar at the Ohana East Hotel. She'll have singer Melveen Leed aboard, too; she gets an opportunity to delve into her jazz roots for a change. Taylor also will sub for David Swanson Nov. 26 at the Kahala Resort, where her Monday night gigs resume Dec. 15.
At publicist Lisa Josephsohn's fundraising event at Ruth's Chris Steak House, to kokua with her mounting medical bills in her battle with ovarian cancer, little Maddy Wary, 8, daughter of restaurateur Ed Wary and wife Tina (of Auntie Pasto's and Dixie Grill), was introduced to the world of silent auction. She was smitten with the "Bowl of Ocean" creations by Beach Glass Bingo artists Gene Allen and Rex Nockengust, so she kept bidding, even outbidding herself, scribbling her name on the bid roster. Yep, she won one of the five pieces donated by the former Islanders. Many performers took the stage, with keyboarder Kit Samson providing musical support, and the highlights had to be Jimmy Borges' and Shari Lynn's customized "Mona Lisa" tribute to Josephsohn. And, of course, Shawna Masuda's "On My Own" ballad from "Les Mis�rables," Josephsohn's all-time fave. Lotsa tears, hugs, lei and camaraderie were powerful fuel to energize her ongoing fight. This week, she's checking with her doctor at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. ...
FINALLY: The Society of Seven Las Vegas reopened last Saturday at the Outrigger Waikiki's Main Showroom for the holiday season, and Jasmine Trias joins the fun tomorrow night, with nightly shows except Mondays, through Dec. 20.
Show Biz is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reach Wayne Harada at 525-8067, wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com or fax 525-8055.