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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Saturday, November 1, 2008

PBA awards banquet Friday

 •  Better health through prayer

The Pacific Buddhist Academy hosts its third annual "Lighting Our Way" awards banquet at 5 p.m. Friday at the Sheraton Waikiki.

Inspirational leaders in the fields of health and human services will be honored, including Earl Bakken, Daniel W. Fullmer and Jasmine Mau-Mukai. Organizations will be honored, as well, including: Parents and Children Together and the Waikiki Health Center's Youth Outreach Program.

Tickets are $100.

Information: 723-0252.


The Diocese of Honolulu is planning a pilgrimage to Rome as part of the canonization of Father Damien, expected to become the first person with Hawai'i ties to be deemed a saint.

It's anticipated that the canonization will take place in Rome in the fall of 2009. The tour is being planned for Rome as well as stops in Belgium, the birthplace of Damien, and Assisi. The Assisi leg is a day trip on behalf of Blessed Mother Marianne Cope, a Franciscan sister who worked in Kalaupapa and who is also on the path to sainthood.

For Roman Catholics who remain in Hawai'i during the big event, Eternal Word Television Network is again planning to televise the event from Rome.

Information on the tour is available at Seawind Tours; www.seawindtours.com/damien.


The Rev. Damian Higgins will discuss "Icons: Seeing the Light" at the next gathering of the Interfaith Conversations Windward.

The chapter of All Believers Network meets 1 p.m. Nov. 10 at the "Blue Room" on the 14th floor of Pohai Nani, 45-090 Namoku St. in Kane'ohe.

A noon buffet lunch for $7.50 will precede the event in the second floor dining room; RSVP to Sam Cox, 779-3606.

Higgins, who belongs to the Ukrainian Catholic Church, is an internationally known iconographer.

Also, he's conducting a three-day workshop Nov. 19-22 at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, "Holy Art Thou," $325 (includes materials); Nancy Conley, 239-9851 or spirlife@lava.net.

Information: Anke Flohr at Pohai Nani, 236-7814.