Posted on: Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Trying to find cheesy cake, snack
Wanda A. Adams
Advertiser Columnist
With the holidays behind us, it's time to catch up on recipe requests. Here are a few of the latest:
Cheddar cheese "cake." Joyce Mondoy writes: "Years ago, I was at a party where someone had made a cheddar cheese cake. It was delicious! It was like a chiffon texture and was made in an angel food cake pan. I cannot find any recipe for this type of cheese cake. Have you heard of it?" I hadn't — have you?
Garlic cheese pretzels. Margaret Kawamura asks: "I received a container of pretzels for Christmas and was wondering if someone could share a recipe. These pretzels were about 3 inches long and it was flavored (I think) with some kind of garlic salt or powder ... I know it also had some kind of cheese mixture. Not sure if (there were) parsley flakes. It was surely delicious for a snack."
Low-fat, high-fiber cereal bars. I'm looking for ideas for crunchy or chewy low-fat, high-fiber cereal bars. If you've got some experience of these, what sweeteners, fruits, nuts, seeds, flavorings, etc. do you use? I'm particularly interested in nonbake options so I use ingredients such as flaxseed, which lose some of their healthful attributes when heated.
Cajun meat loaf from downtown deli. At a speaking engagement recently, I was asked by someone who works in downtown Honolulu if I knew anything about a spicy Cajun meat loaf sandwich that was made by a deli that used to occupy a space at Hotel and Bishop streets. She said it was so delicious that once, her boss sent her all the way back to the deli to retrieve a forgotten half sandwich that the boss wanted to eat at home later. She couldn't recall the name of the deli. Anyone on this?
All-purpose stir-fry sauce. Karen Crisler wrote: "I am a busy mom of 2 young girls. A quick stir-fry always seems like a great meal and a good way to serve veggies and tofu, chicken or meat. I need an easy, reliable stir-fry sauce recipe. Cookbooks seem to have recipes for special sauces, but I'm looking for something really simple and basic, that can go with anything. I know lots of local families have great, easy recipes. It seems like something every mom should know and make by heart!!" I sent Karen some stir-fry basics ideas, but perhaps you have an old reliable mixture you can recommend.
Hard-to-find foods: Last week, I asked readers to share their ideas for where to find elusive international foods and seasonal products — either local stores or online sites that give good service and don't overcharge for shipping. And if you know of an old-fashioned meat market or full-service meat counter, many readers want that information.
Got an e-mail from Jessica Baang, whose request for skin-on chicken breasts I specifically mentioned; she reminded that she's looking for BONELESS skin-on chicken breasts.
If you can help with any of this, write me, please: Wanda Adams, Taste, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;; or fax 525-8055.
Send recipes and queries to Wanda A. Adams, Food Editor, Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Fax: 525-8055. E-mail:
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