Community Calendar
FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP for friends and relatives of the mentally ill, 6-7:30 p.m., first and third Tuesdays monthly, Diamond Head Mental Health Center, 3627 Kilauea Ave., Room 408, Kaimuki; free. 733-9260.
LIVING WITH GRIEF: CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS, annual National Bereavement Teleconference 7:15-10:30 a.m. at University of Hawai'i-Hilo; live broadcast on how professionals can best aid grieving children and adolescents; targeted at counselors, educators, parents, social workers, physicians, funeral directors and clergy; featuring the latest academic research and support group approaches; free; sponsored by Hospice of Hilo. Register: 808-969-1733.
PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS new member orientation 7 p.m., Harris United Methodist Church, Vineyard Boulevard and Nu'uanu Avenue (262-7441); YOUTH CHALLENGE PROGRAM for at-risk youth, 8 p.m. 456-7768.
STATE ID CARD APPLICATIONS will have extended hours of 8 a.m.-6 p.m. each Thursday until July 31; other weekday hours remain 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; instructions and forms available at or call 587-3111 or 587-3112.
ALOHA MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES general membership meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m., Salt Lake District Park gym. 247-TWIN (8946).
WEEKLY VIGIL FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE 4-6 p.m. on Ala Moana boulevard at the Prince Kuhio Federal Building; bring a sign; sponsored by Not In Our Name.
JUNIOR LEAGUE OF HONOLULU ANNUAL FUNDRAISING FASHION SHOW. Get Carried Away is the Junior League's theme for this year's Sacs in the City fashion show by Shanghai Tang, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at Hilton Hawaiian Village, Tapa Ballroom; see Shanghai Tang's imperial tailoring; shop at the designer handbag silent auction featuring Prada, Celine, Herrera, Kors, Coach and more; $95 tickets at or 946-6466.
HULA CLASSES every Saturday, sponsored by Kalihi-Palama Culture & Arts Society: beginning keiki 9-10 a.m., keiki 10-11 a.m. and teens and adults 11 a.m.-noon, Kauluwela Recreational Park, near Liliha Street and Vineyard Boulevard; $10 per month. 521-6905.
THE FUTURE OF DESIGN IN HONOLULU � FILM AND PANEL DISCUSSION, Architecture Month event April 29 at Honolulu Design Center: mingle with Island architects during 5:30 p.m. no-host cocktails; 6 p.m. panel discussion by Bill Brooks, Geoff Lewis and A. Kam Napier, moderated by Francis Oda; hourlong showing of documentary "True to Form: Vladimir Ossipoff"; free.