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Posted on: Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Songs to help you with a breakup

By Cheryl Truman
McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Beyonc�'s "Irreplaceable" � a great way to say "farewell, scum."

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Is there anything more cathartic than a good kick-him-to-the-curb song? Aside from actually stuffing an errant lover's clothes into his car and setting it ablaze, a la Angela Bassett in the movie version of "Waiting to Exhale," the "farewell, scum" song is the next best revenge.

Those of us raised around military environments, not to mention those who lean liberal, have a predisposed fondness for the chant "To the left, to the left" that opens Beyonc�'s "Irreplaceable."

"To the left, to the left

"Everything you own in a box to the left

"In the closet that's my stuff

"Yes, if I bought it please don't touch

"Keep talking that mess, that's fine

"But could you walk and talk at the same time"

What we have portrayed here is a man who is plainly out of his mind: Living with Beyonc�, driving Beyonc�'s Jaguar and still cheating on her with a less-affluent woman who did not star in "Dreamgirls." Frankly, you have to wonder whether merely dumping him is enough. Perhaps he also should be locked up for stupidity.

What are the greats of the "farewell, scum" genre?

  • Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive": At first you are afraid, you are petrified. But then you figure out that he's a loser, and a high-maintenance loser at that, and everything looks much brighter. Gaynor has long since crossed over to AARP territory, but this is still a classic reminder that if you're kicking him out, at least remember to change the locks.

  • Dolly Parton's "I'm Gone": It's hard to beat Parton when she's on her game, and not only does she lyrically flatten the scummy husband, she provides helpful advice on what to tell the friends and neighbors:

    "You can tell the truth or you can lie

    "You can say I left you or I died

    "Say I'm in the Himalayas on some spiritual quest

    "And could spend years lookin' for the light

    "Say I'm in the witness program with the FBI,

    "Say a UFO abducted me from home

    "You can say what you chose, but I tell you the truth

    "You can say for sure I'm gone"

  • Dixie Chicks' "Sin Wagon": You know this song, even if you think you don't. It includes the immortal line: "Praise the Lord / And pass the ammunition." Of course, the newly resurgent Dixie Chicks also produced perhaps the most resounding thank-God-you're-gone song of all time: "Goodbye Earl," in which the two heroines of the song kill the wife-abusing Earl, stuff him in a car trunk and dump him in the lake.

    Well played, ladies.