Lost again
By Erin Carlson
Associated Press
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Season 3 starts tonight, with Jack (Matthew Fox), Kate (Evangeline Lilly) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) held captive by The Others. That opens the show up to a new host of plot directions.
Creators of the show have said we'll learn more about The Others this season, and teasers hint at a major revelation about Desmond's wealthy lover and the trackers who alerted her to the electromagnetic waves that resulted from the destruction of the hatch.
This season will explore why Jack, Kate and Sawyer were targeted, and whether Sun's baby is really Jin's. And a new woman (one of The Others?) catches Jack's attention.
With a little digging, we turned up clues to the gripping ABC drama.
Pre-crash, a doctor said Sun's husband, Jin (Daniel Dae Kim, right), was infertile. There are three possible explanations for Sun's pregnancy: The island healed Jin's infertility (worked for Locke, leg-wise); the zygote formed inside Sun (Yunjin Kim, left) but is neither hers nor Jin's (creepy!); or Jin is not the baby-daddy. That guy could be Jae Lee, who gave Sun secret English lessons. She was unhappy in her marriage, and planned to leave Jin and go to America..
They're creepy, wear fake beards and have captured Kate, Jack and Sawyer.
Are they "the good guys," or are they up to no good? Finally — finally! — that enigma will be addressed this season, producers have teased. They better deliver. Also, expect to see much more of bug-eyed Other/hatch escapee Henry Gale, played by new series regular Michael Emerson.
In the Season 2 finale, Locke, Mr. Eko (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, right) and Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) were all in the hatch when Desmond turned the fail-safe key to diffuse whatever electromagnetic energy was quaking the island (yes, that button-pushing chore actually meant something). An explosion ensued. The hatch door landed on the beach. Survival seems like a long shot — but Eko and Locke are under contract. And Cusick is now a series regular. They gotta come out of this alive, if not somewhat — somehow — changed. Plus, ABC says Locke will team up with Sayid (Naveen Andrews) and others to try to rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer.
It's about time, Kate. The freckled tough girl will finally make a choice between doctor-leader Jack, left, and con man Sawyer, above. Early intel suggests Cupid's arrow is pointing at a Kate-Sawyer hookup — they ARE a couple of good-lookin' outlaws. And Jack? According to an ABC press release, "Romance looms on the horizon as Jack's interests veer toward a mysterious woman whose motives may be questionable."
That's the buzz — and it appears to be so. After losing his medical license for operating while drunk, Christian (Jack's father) fled to Australia, where he drank himself to death after trying to visit his secret daughter. It went down like this: He showed up at the house of a curly-haired, blonde Aussie and demanded to see the girl. The woman refused. Jack arrived Down Under to bring Christian's body back to the U.S. and wound up on the ill-fated flight with Claire, right.
John Locke (Terry O'Quinn, right) lost of a bit of his faith last season, thanks to his frustration with entering that numbered sequence (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) on the keyboard every 108 minutes. Still, he can't deny the island's mysterious healing powers, which apparently cured his four-year paralysis and allowed him to walk again after Oceanic flight 815 crash-landed. Those powers — and why exactly Locke was bound to a wheelchair in the first place — will be explored this season, "Lost" experts say. One theory: Locke, who helped his deadbeat father withdraw stolen money from a bank, was handicapped by angry victims of the crime.
The Others snatched Walt, Frenchwoman Rousseau's daughter, Alex, and a very pregnant Claire (Emilie de Ravin). In memories of her abduction, Claire was taken to a hospital-like hatch and given a shot in the belly. A teen girl, who might be a grown-up Alex, warned her that higher-ups planned to kill her and take her baby. That's pretty freaky, and so is another theory: That The Others — those "good guys," remember? — are a social utopian experiment by the scientist-led Dharma Initiative. This could explain why they steal innocent children who haven't been tainted by society.
Michael shot and killed her last season, but viewers haven't seen the last of Libby (Cynthia Watros, left). She'll keep appearing in characters' flashbacks, producers said, yet her back story — she claimed to be a clinical psychologist and was supposedly among the plane's tail-section survivors — is shrouded in mystery. In flashbacks, it was revealed that she lived in the same mental hospital as an unknowing Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and gave Desmond her late husband's doomed sailboat. Fan speculation has it that she might be a member of the Hanso Foundation, which funded the shady Dharma Initiative, or a private detective.
The father-son duo, given a motor boat by Henry Gale, were last seen fleeing the island to destinations unknown. Desperate dad Michael (Harold Perrineau, right) betrayed his friends to save himself and his son, Walt (Malcolm David Kelley, left), who was kidnapped at the end of the first season by The Others. But don't be surprised if they return — those "Lost"-ies aren't the luckiest group. Note that Perrineau is not a regular cast member this season but could be back as a guest star. And Walt is way too intriguing to make a permanent getaway.
As many fans complain, "Lost" is more about questions than answers. It's confusing and captivating. The dark and hatch-centric second season was filled with sci-fi mysteries. The Powers That Be heard fan feedback — a producer revealed he was influenced by complaints that Season 2 was "too mythologically dense." Expect to see a lot about relationships in future episodes, including a dose of much-needed romance.
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Does "Lost" have you feeling lost? Don't sweat it. Here's our guide to help fans get back up to speed and newcomers get a clue:
A AARON: The infant son of castaway Claire; he was born on the island.
B BLACK ROCK: A marooned slave ship where the castaways found shackled skeletons in the hold.
C CHARLIE: Castaway and former bassist for the rock band DriveShaft.
D DHARMA INITIATIVE: A research initiative founded by the Hanso Foundation dedicated to the study of human behavior. Built the infamous hatch where occupants were instructed to input a string of numbers into a computer every 108 minutes or else.
E EKO, MR.: Castaway and former drug-runner in Nigeria who got religion after his brother, a priest, was gunned down.
F FRECKLES: Nickname that Sawyer, the island's hunky renegade, often uses when flirting with fellow castaway Kate.
G GALE, HENRY: Name used by creepy leader of The Others.
H HATCH: Elaborate underground lair once occupied by Desmond, who handled the number-punching duties until Locke took over.
I ISLAND: Spooky piece of tropical turf inhabited by the castaways is somewhere in the South Pacific, but exact whereabouts are unknown.
J JACK: Spinal surgeon and unofficial leader of the castaways.
K KELVIN: Apparently one of the original occupants of the hatch. Gave cryptic instructions to Desmond to type in the numbers every 108 minutes to "save the world." Died before the Flight 815 crash.
L LOCKE: Known as the island mystic. Was a wheelchair-using office drone before the crash but became miraculously ambulatory on the island.
M MONSTER: Enigmatic island force seen by only a few survivors. Takes form in a swift-moving black cloud amid flashes of light.
N NUMBERS: The digits 4-8-15-16-23-42. Played by Hurley to win millions in the lottery, after which a streak of bad luck convinced him they are cursed.
O OTHERS, THE: Scruffy group of islanders who have wreaked havoc upon the plane-crash survivors.
P PENNY: Ex-lover of former hatch occupant, Desmond.
Q QUARANTINE: Word etched into hatch lid, seemingly indicating that the outside world poses a hazard.
R ROUSSEAU: Unstable Frenchwoman and sole survivor of a scientific expedition marooned on the island.
S SAYID: Castaway and former member of the Iraqi Republican Guard.
T TAILIES: Fan lingo for the passengers in the plane's tail section, which broke off in the crash and landed on another part of the island. Only a handful of tailies survived the crash, Mr. Eko among them.
U U.S. MARSHAL: Deceased federal officer who tracked Kate for three years after her still-unknown crime, eventually nabbing her in Australia. Was escorting her back to the States on the doomed flight.
V VINCENT: Dog belonging to Walt. Lone animal survivor of the crash.
W WALT: Michael's young son. May possess reality-bending mental powers. Was held captive for weeks by The Others.
X "X-FILES, THE": Another popular mythology-based show often cited in reference to "Lost" as in, "Will 'Lost' fail to deliver on promised resolutions like 'The X-Files' did?"
Y YEMI: Deceased younger brother of Mr. Eko.
Z ZOOLOGY: The scientific study of animals. One aspect of the Dharma Initiative.
Source assistance from the guidebooks "Getting Lost" and "Unlocking the Meaning of Lost"
Chuck Barney, Contra Costa (Calif.) Timesa